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Wedding Dances

Need a little help with that first dance, father/daughter, or mother/son dance? We're here for you! Learn a choreographed piece or just some fun dance moves to your song. We'll have you looking your best on that dance floor in no time!


Choreography or steps?

So you have your song, and now you're wondering what next? We're here to help! You have two options to consider when thinking about your first dance, father/daughter, or mother/son dances.

  1. Choreography - Generally takes multiple weeks and lessons to choreograph, set, and make performance ready. Is a fun show piece and will WOW the audience.

  2. Dance steps - More importance on individual steps and guidelines. Involves learning how to lead and follow. Less focus on the audience impact and more focus on the two of you feeling comfortable so you can enjoy your moment with your loved one on the floor.

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